Check the bolts on your slides


Saskatchewan Chapter Leader
HI Everyone, here I sit embarrassed. I have been under our Landmark so many times I have lost count. On the way home from the National rally we were swimming in the camp ground 20 miles west of Fargo, rain coming down like I have never seen, truck and coach are in six inches of water ( on the grass) we have traveled 1300km that day to avoid the floods etc. Went to put out the living room slide and BANG,BANG BANG. sure got my attention scared the crap out of Janina, dog disappeared. The slide was crooked, did I mention this was 9:30 at night?

Nothing I could do, so we went to bed. Next morning (4:30) it didn't look any better and the slide ferries didn't fix it, we spent the day dodging floods got home 9:30 that night, we had called our dealer TRX in Saskatoon, they made room for us the next morning. It turns out 2 bolts came out of the bottom of the slide and one corner dropped. ****, I checked every bolt on the drive drain and never never check the bolts on the slides.

I called hL customer service left a message, they must be very busy due to the rally as I have not received a call back (I called last Wednesday), Lippert got back to me on Monday but the trailer was already fixed.

In the morning we head for Oregon, will be at Cannon beach if anybody is going by.


Well-known member
Wow. Thanks for posting this. That is not an area that I check regularly (or, ever!). I will be adding that to my pre-trip checklist. You can never be too careful.


Well-known member
Had a similar situation with a previous travel trailer (Sunnybrook) while on a trip to Texas. We stopped at a rest area and opened the slideout to have some lunch. Heard the loud thunk and the slideout sat at a weird low angle. Luckily we were able to close it back up by having two of us (Sharon and I) lift and push while her aunt pressed the button to retract the slide. Phew!!! And fortunately we were on our way to a family reunion in Texas so when we got there we had a gaggle of guys who could pull the slideout out, lift it up to the correct angle and put a new bolt in. But the thought of not being able to slide it back in while on the road is pretty scarey.

Ray LeTourneau

Senior Member - Past Moderator
Chainsaw, thanks for the picture. Very helpful! Had the slide out been adjusted prior to the bolts coming out? We had 2 of our slides adjusted at the rally and I was present at the time. The techs had trouble loosening the adjustments bolts. (5 year old trailer) I'll still keep an eye on them though.


I picked our trailer up in Elkhart. For the time I was there I operated the slides dozens of times. If it was going to break I wanted it to break before I left on the 750 mile trip home.
When I got home a 2am Deb wanted to see the trailer, so I put out the slides. I though the main slide was going to fall out of the trailer! It kept going.

I put it away and went to bed then work.

When I checked it I found the the large jamb nut (circled below) had loosened. With the slide retracted the the outer jamb nut had walked it's way outboard. So when extended, it was pushing too far.

I adjusted the rods, tightened up the jamb nuts and had an appointment with a dealer in PA (on the way home from our first rally) They looked at and wanted to cut out the old mounts and re-weld them.

I left the mounts slightly bent and just compensated for it with the slide adjustment. Been fine ever since.


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Saskatchewan Chapter Leader

There was absolutley no work on the slides unless you count the dealer putting those carpet protectors under it.