I beg to differ. I do have an Arizona issued CC permit, and 35 years as a LEO in this state. While you can carry concealed in AZ without a CCP you do not have reciprocity in other states that have CC permits. The CC is honored by most states but my badge may not be depending upon which state and the LEO you run in to at the time. Try using the badge in California or NY and see how far it gets you. California does not even like our Arizona window tinting and depending upon the mood of the CHP officer you run into you may get cited for that. Never assume that the badge is a get home free ticket. I hated being badged and thought it was disrespectful to use that as an excuse for bad decisions. One the other hand I should add that there is Federal law which allows current and retired police to carry throughout the US but there are also a number of requirements that go with that, including meeting the requirements for firearms training of police agencies where the person resides at least every 12 months.
And someone earlier said they were told not to tell the LEO that stops you that you are carrying unless asked. Very bad advice from that officer. If you are stopped, put your hands on the top of the steering wheel and tell the officer that you have a weapon in the vehicle and a permit to carry, because he/she may already know from the computer response and be acting accordingly. I always appreciated being told. The officer will almost always assume that while you might be a nice guy because you have a CC permit, you still could be a threat at any point during that contact.