Converter Curious



Hi Folks! We have a question on the converter in ourBigHorn. These are new to me. I understand that the one we have (according tothe lit that came with it) has a variable speed fan and runs according to loadon it. While I was in the pass-through area doing an inspection, I noticed thatthe fan would "bump" for a second or so, as if trying to start, then"relax", only to repeat this every several seconds. There was littleto no load on it at the time. Nothing more than maybe the stereo display.
That being said, I turned on all of the 12v items that I could get away withtoday. After 10 minutes or so, the fan came on. I guess I'm just curious aboutthe 'bump action of the fan, while trying to keep my own jitters to aminimum.

To clarify: my term, ‘bump’ is referring to the fan getting caught in themagnetic field and just turning a quarter inch or so before freezing there,then relaxing back to its original point.



Prolifically Gabby Member
If you learn something about it, please post it. I've noticed mine doing something similar. It appears that the converter is working fine, though.


OK. I went ahead and called them. Thanks Dave.
In a nutshell, what he told me was that the converter fan is approaching the start point. Being temperature dependent, and variable speed, it's trying to start but hasn't yet reached its threshold to overcome the resistance to starting. When temp reaches it 'setpoint', the fan should start.
So far so good. Checked the leveling system and it's still maintaining 13.3v just sitting.
So I'm breathing a little easier, and I don't have to tell Momma that something else broke!