Converting the dinette in the Trail Runner TT


Active Member
Over Easter weekend we had a family of close friends stay with us in our TT. Well as I attempted to put the dinette down for one of the kids to sleep on.. well umm. the table didn't fit! it was about 1/4 inch to large for the opening?? Anyone else have this issue? We will probably never do it again but I liked having the option "just in case".

Ray LeTourneau

Senior Member - Past Moderator
Well that's a bummer! I might have tried to force slide it in from the outer aisle but in the long run, it should be easy enough to move the right side of the dinette seat over a 1/4" towards the couch. A few screws in the floor and maybe 3 on the wall.


Active Member
we actually "coaxed" it in.. we had no choice. My husband was saying exactly the same thing.. I'm not excited about taking it up and repositioning it..