My husband and I disagree on the proper way to level a travel trailer. I did a lot to camping as a child but my father did all the work then and I have no idea what he was doing. SO,,,this is how it goes: My husband thinks the trailer should be leveled and sitting on the tires. I think you back the trailer into the spot and level side to side, by put pieces of wood for leveling under the ties. Then you test front to back and I think we sat our jacks on a piece of wood, front and back, then we adjusted the jacks from that point in order to obtain perfect level and no shaky, rock and rolling trailer. BUT THE KEY POINT IS,,,,WE """NEVER""" LEFT OUR TRAILER ON THE TIRES, ALWAYS ON JACKS. Please email my your hints, I am not real computer savvy and I don't know if I will be able to find this site again. Thank you for all of your help, God
Bless and Happy Camping, Scooter,John an Gen
Bless and Happy Camping, Scooter,John an Gen