Cyclone 3010 discontinued?


Well-known member
My CY3418 gives access to everything but the stove and microwave with the slides in. That's one thing I like about it and of course the big garage.

The 3B's are important (Beverages, Bed, Bathroom) when traveling.

But how to you have heated drinks without the use of your stove or microwave? We are able to access both microwave and stovetop while stopped for a break. There have been times when the wife wanted her hot chocolate during a driving break.


Well-known member
Portable induction cooktop, as fast as a microwave almost. Less than 3 min to boiling water. The stove has been used once and the oven never. Wasted space for us.


Well-known member
Hate to hear that the 3010 are being discontinued. One of the driving forces for us was tandem axle and overall length. We just felt, for the 2 of us. That 40+ feet of Trailer wasn't necessary. Plus the increase of weight and fuel consumption was another issue. We are very comfortable and very happy in our 3010 and yes, access to the bathroom and fridge while traveling is very much a plus. Also, no slide out on passenger side was a definite must for us as our weekend covered lot doesn't allow for a slide out (Support pole) and it would take away from the deck area as well.
Hopefully, the new model coming out keeps a lot of this in mind. We shall see.