Cyclone 4200 Inverter


Well still nothing from Heartland on this. Though I haven't been too aggressive on the matter and just took them on their word they would get back with me. Will have to give Camping World some kuddos on the fact they took it on themselves and sent me a 2000 watt inverter to help with all the devices that are wired into the inverter.

According to Heartland before I bought the unit Camping World put in a claim on the inverter and that is why I had a Nature Power installed. Believe they were seeing the issues I'm seeing and just assumed it was the inverter.

As I'm getting ready to go on an extended trip I'll have to circle back with Camping World and Heartland to figure out how things are wired. The only way to get the fridge to run and stay on from inverter then on while generator running is to shut the main breaker off at the circuit panel. So the fridge will run from the inverter at all times.

My question is, will that be an issue? Shouldn't the converter keep the batteries charged while on shore power or while on generator?


Well-known member
If you turn off the main 50 amp breakers in the circuit breaker panel, the Power Converter will not be getting any power and therefore won't charge the batteries.

I think you're going to have to take the rig in to a dealer who can examine how the wiring was done and get some help from Heartland to straighten it out.


I only have to turn off the 15 amp breaker for the refer. Sorry re read that post and did say main breaker.

Agreed though would be nice to figure out how things are wired.


Well-known member
It's starting to sound to me like you have the inverter power flowing through a sub-panel and maybe the refrigerator transfer switch isn't in the loop for some reason.

Turning the refrigerator circuit breaker OFF even when on generator or shore power might work in the short run. Some people have reported that the voltage from their tow vehicles keeps the refrigerator running and batteries nearly fully charged during a day of towing. If you're running the generator or on shore power, you'll be getting quite a bit more power to keep the batteries charged.
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Senior GM for Cyclone, Torque, Gateway & Sundance
Sorry for late reply I was on vacation last week and just seeing post for the first time. The inverter is wired directly to the refrigerator and not any other items. Please email me at your name, contact info, an last numbers of your serial / vin number and I will have someone from service contact you ASAP. Sorry for the troubles you are having.


Well-known member
Am I crazy or am I seeing two AC connections coming out of his inverter and into the J-box? Then 2-in / 2-out of the J-box. What else would explain his TV's and Microwave having power while not connected to shore power nor with the generator running. It sounds like CW has admitted to having done some alterations. bsackettkc, I hope they get you going in short time. Curious to see how this plays out.



Well AJ sent all the info over to service and I got a call from a gentleman named Mike. Explained exactly what was going on and what was happening. Think he may have found the problem, that junction box in the pic above, should actually be the transfer switch. He has no idea why there would be a junction box in it's place. He believes the reason I'm seeing the micro and tv's coming on is because that second leg that I assumed was the microwave and tv leg is actually the power leg that would come directly from the breaker box. So when I have it plugged in, the inverter is energizing that part of the panel. Getting on the road tomorrow but when I get back, I'll get the transfer switch and see if that clears up these problems.