I feel your pain, when my blowmax tire tore out the side of my brand new rig on a shakedown cruise, I was so disappointed, and nothing could take my mind off that damage. So your emotional investment as well as your financial investment culminate to mess with the pleasure you are supposed to be having. I get it. I can feel it when you write about it.
IMHO we are only inviting trouble, and another expensive trip for repairs when we hand over our rigs to a dealer for minor repairs. Seems like you are not actually involved in that vicious cycle when it comes to these items, to that extent I would say your skill is in the average to above average range. Fear not and pursue those repair and maintenance items with passion. Enjoy the planning and carrying out of a well laid plan. Pride in ownership and pride in a well executed repair cannot be matched.
As far as warrantee is concerned, You cannot be denied warranty repair unless the work you did caused the issue. So if you put in an electrical management system, and you did it correctly, and later your refrigerator went out, they gotta fix the refer. If you repair your socket problem then have a problem with shore power not related to your repair, they gotta fix it. You don't void your warranty because you took a screwdriver to your rig.
But ultimately I hope that you will get your rig over to your house this winter, get it on some shore power, pick something that you need to do, and do it. pick something that you consider rewarding. I think you will get a new concept and relationship with your fiver by doing a project like this.
In the end, I hope you have resolved your issues. And that you will have a great season next year. Best of luck with whatever you do.