Bill- where would I find that fuse?
Danemayer-how would I check the other side of the circuit?
Here's a drawing - it may not look exactly like yours, but it's shows the high-limit, the thermostat, and the heating element.
With POWER DISCONNECTED from the RV, and the WHITE wire disconnected from the element, check continuity of that wire to neutral on a nearby outlet. I believe neutral is supposed to be the larger blade of the outlet. If no continuity, there's a bad connection on the neutral (white wire), which would mean that the heater circuit is open on the backside. If you have continuity, reconnect the white wire to the heating element.
With POWER ON, you should have 110V to ground at the heating element. If you do, that confirms the switches are working, the high-temp reset is working, and the thermostat is working well enough to pass electricity when cold. If you don't have power at the heating element, work backwards to find the last place you do have power.
I believe you should read 110V to GROUND at either terminal of the heating element. If you have it on one side and not the other, I think that means the element is open.
And of course, if you had a senior moment and fired up the heating element before putting water back into the tank, the new element would be burned out.
And since I'm not an expert at electrical systems, you might want to wait a few minutes before proceeding. If I've got anything wrong, someone like EvolvingPowerCat will probably jump in to correct me.