I assume you have a transfere switch to switch between generator and shore power. Most transfere switches are manual, evidently yours is not. That being the case I deduce you have a electro-mechanical contactor that's humming. First I would make certain what component is causing the hum. Although anoying - is it quite normal for this type of component to hum. It's annoying so some o.e.m.'s actually put in a hum bucking coil in high end contactors. I would not think yours has this. We used to cycle the contactor/s a few times until it reseats to a more quiet spot. Most if not all o.e.m.'s will tell you "the hum is normal for our equipment". The sound is coming from e.m.f. and there's not much that can be done about it economically. The bad news is, they usually get lounder just before taking a powder... I would try cycling it a few times and/or contact the o.e.m. for their input. Now if it's another component, that could be another story. Example, the converter has a small muffin fan for cooling, these can get noisy too... Good Luck & Happy Rving !