Arkansas Chapter Leader-Retired
- Ozark RV Park
- 1022 Park Ave.
- Mountain View, AR 72560
- Billy Summit 8702692542
- Pets ok?: Yes
- From: 5/5/2017 to: 5/7/2017
- Number of sites held: 15
- Register by end of day 5/1/2017
- Site fee: $28.00 30 amp/32.00 50 amp per night.
- Club Member Event fee: 0
- Non-Club Member fee: 20.00 per rig
- Potluck:
- Potluck date:
- Potluck time:
- Event Leader: bsummit(click to contact)
Additional Info:
Additional information will be added later.
Meet and greet on Friday at 2 PM
The breakfast potluck will be furnished by the club. Will ask for volunteers to help cook.
Saturday afternoon at 2 PM we will have a concert by a young music group. They are all family members. Will be no cost, only donations to help them with cost or expenses they may have.
For the ones staying thru Sunday, we have Church in the Rec building 0930-1030. For the ones that want to get some shooting practice, we will leave the park at 130 PM and drive to a range north of town.
Anything else that members would like to do we can discuss that at the meet and greet.
1. Jay and Stella
2. Paul and Mona
3. Don and Joyce
4. David and Brenda
5. Pete and Fawn (No Show)
6. Mike and Anna
7. Boyd and Tina
8. Jeffrey and Angela
9. Mike and Peg Finnegan.
10. Jack and Lynette (Canceled due to Medical reason)
11. Larry and Gayle Kuykendall
12. Larry and Mary Ann Oberbeck (canceled)
13. Nancy and Dave Seabolt
14. Tommy and Faye Glover
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