EVENT: Heartland Chapter Rally: IL, Chatham - 9/17/2010 to 9/19/2010

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Founding Illinios Chapter Leader-retired
Sorry to hear about your truck . that would be great if you could come to the pot luck we would love to have you guys.Kathy


Staff member
Well we pulled into Double J Campground today. You can never get to a rally too early ya know.
Only thing is there are more rigs here from out of state then from IL.
But I know that wont last long....C'mon Flatlanders....lets rally.



Well-known member
Having a great time at the Illinois Chapter rally - Ken & Kathy have ordered really nice weather and the company couldn't be nicer!

We are spending lots of time touring each other's units and comparing notes and wish lists :)


Staff member
kkamshop is right, the company couldn't be nicer. Ken and Kathy (katkens) did have nice weather for us......................untill now. The lightning and wind and rain did manage to disperse the crowd around the campfire this evening.
Cemills has been running around with his camera and will be posting some pics.
Untill then, here is a little teaser.



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Well-known member
Ditto; Kenny & Kathy have done a fantastic job with the whole rally. Patti & I have met a lot of new friends and got to see some old friends too, we have had a great time.


Well-known member
I have to agree. This weekend has been the best. Wondering if we want to try and be together more if we could schedule a spring rally and a fall rally???? Make the spring rally a camping weekend just to be together and do what we want on the spur of the moment or we make a point that we all attend another rally or two.
I am for keeping this group together!!! Now that I feel better it is almost time to go home!!!! At least Kipper will be happy camper Monday when we rescue him from the kennel...
Have a safe trip home if you are leaving tomorrow..

Paul & Nan

Well-known member
Sorry we did not make it for the potluck. Still don't have truck back to go camping and other stuff got in the way today. Glad you all had a great time. Nan


Well-known member
Sharon and I also have had a good time and was great to see old friends and make some new ones. Thanks to Kenny and Kathy for doing a great job as usual.


Staff member
For those of us that had a chance to try some of Suzanne's yummy French toast, HERE is a link to the recipe. It is good.
If you didn't get to try it..........too bad...........so sad. :(



Founding Illinios Chapter Leader-retired
I just wanted to say thanks to all the ladies who helped me. I am not getting around very good and Patti Holbert(Thanks Jon) she was my right hand lady. We did have a great time CE took pictures for us THANK YOU CE. Been saying good bye all morning and that was sad but will see everyone soon down the road so everyone travel safe and see you at the next rally. Thanks again to everyone. Kathy


Well-known member
Made it home safe and sound - had to drive through some leftover rain near Indy, but nothing (nada, as in no rain) here at home we are still in a drought.

Thanks to all for making this rally a fun time, we really should do this more often!


Founding Illinios Chapter Leader-retired
Ken & Kathy so glad you got home safe and sound and WHAT ABOUT THE COLTS!!! I know it was the T-shirt Thanks again.


Founding Illinios Chapter Leader-retired
Well had to say good bye to more friends today. Everyone travel Safe. Thanks again everyone Kathy & Kenny


Well-known member
Hi! Great Rally and Great People. We will try to get there a couple of days earlier next year. Ken and Kathy you did a terrific job-- Thanks. Mary thought the truck would pull the hills down here in Missouri better with the A/C off so we opened our widows. A huge bug flew in and landed on my shirt under my chin. I tried to flip it out with the back of my hand. The truck wandered over into the next lane so I corrected pretty quick, This caused the Bighorn to fishtail. Mary wasn't very happy about that. I am happy there wasn't anybody beside us. We are safe at the KOA in Springfield MO. anyway. Tom M.


Mike & Suzanne
Ken & kathy,
Just wanted to Thank you guys for all the hard work you put into making it a great rally, we really enjoyed ourselves. and I only had to go back for Suzanne twice. Look forward to next years

Mike & Suzanne
Pictures of the rally are posted on HOG, take a look.

Click here :)
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Founding Illinios Chapter Leader-retired
I would like to thank all the volunteers who helped Kathy and I get things ready,thanks so much. I have to say the Lady's kept us in breakfast and dinner sweet treats all weekend and I will hate having to go back to Cheerios for breakfast. I think I only gained 9 pounds so thats not to bad , I didn't have JimB there competing for food so I got more this year.

I sincerely thank all our club members for making this a special time and another chance to meet and make new friends. Y'all were the greatest and thanks for the kind words.
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