Silly question, but it is a pull through right? I'm really bad a backing up!
No idea, but I'm sure a few Cycloner's will shield you from all the scorers that show up just to help make you nervous
Best place to learn to back up is in an open parking lot, away from the crowd. Get some cones or whatever and first start by making sure you can back straight. It really is not as hard as you think, you just have to think about what you are doing.
And there is no shame in pulling out and going around the block and trying again. Better a bruised ego then a bruised trailer.
And if I forgot to tell you, I would not travel with the ladder installed. That sticks out another 10" or so, and that can get close to some toll booths.
Either use your cell phones or get portable radios. Cell phone are better then the radio since they are duplex (both talk at the same time) and the driver can just leave it on speaker.
Learn simple commands you are both familiar with, mostly
"rear of trailer needs to go right - rear of trailer needs to go left etc.
Very important to the driver is that the back up person is always visible in the mirror. I prefer the person on my left side. I do not move if I can't see the backup person.
I can pretty much move my trailer where I want by myself, but if I am using a backup, then I don't move if I can't see - period. You will not feel a person between the trailer and a tree until it is too late.
Slow and steady wins the race.