This was our first rally as well. We had a fabulous time meeting new friends. A special "Thank You" to Tommy, Linda, Steve, and Patti for inviting us to join their table and making us feel welcomed. Also, a big thank you to all of those kind folks who provided guidance on our water heater and other recommendations. And to Phil...our son (Colin) adores you and really enjoyed chatting with you. Thanks for your kindness and listening ear. Bill and Janet, we enjoyed talking with you both. Thanks for hosting the event as well as selecting Juvenile Diabetes as the fund raising organization. The park was so beautiful and our son had a blast riding around the lake, swimming in the pool, playing on the beach, fishing, and observing the wildlife. It was great to get away from Charlotte and the hustle and bustle of work/life. We look forward to seeing everyone again.
Stephanie, Chris, Skylar, and Colin Woodley
Fur babies: Cassie & Petey
HOC: 3669
2017 Heartland North Trail Caliber