Greetings all,
We need your help on a quick poll regarding a dinner show at the rally.
I've had a few inquiries about attending one of the many dinners shows in the area as part of our Rally agenda. If you've never been to one, we very much encourage it. They are very good and sprinkle in clean humor. I was once a skeptic, but have been converted
All the show are about the same price. Since many attended the Hatfield and McCoy dinner show (ask Ricky and Rachel about the spoon

at the 2015 Region Rally, we thought we would try the newest show in town to avoid repeats.
The Smoky Mountain Adventures Dinner Show ( gets very good reviews (links below) and is billed as "Cirque de Solei meets the mountains." I'll leave that interpretation up to you.
The details are:
1. We would attend the 6p show on Saturday, 4/28
2. The group rate per couple is about $95 which is roughly an $18 savings off retail. Basically, it's better level seating and the lesser level price.
3. an absolute minimum of 20 people is required for the group rate. That's the rules and I don't make 'em
4. we would need to have your check by 3/15 to put down a guaranteed deposit
So we would very much appreciate a quick "yea, I'm definitely in" or "no-way-jose" response by 2/15. We'll go with the majority. If we end up not doing the show perhaps we'll come up with a good ole chitlin-based meal at the RV resort. We'll figure it out