Looks like another awesome Heartland Owners Rally in Texas!
One really has to appreciate dealers like Ron Hoover on this rally and Dick Gore on the Myrtle Beach, SC rally. Few dealers really get it or have an interest in coming along side a club. I know first hand that support from dealers like this that really get it, not only pays dividends for rally attendees immediately (door prizes, meals, seminars, light maintenance work, show coaches etc), but it nearly always pays dividends for the dealer with increased coach and service sales. To me - it's a win-win.
Thanks Jay and Stella and all who helped you put this one one. Thanks to all the club members that came out to support this chapter! Heartlanders are the best!
One really has to appreciate dealers like Ron Hoover on this rally and Dick Gore on the Myrtle Beach, SC rally. Few dealers really get it or have an interest in coming along side a club. I know first hand that support from dealers like this that really get it, not only pays dividends for rally attendees immediately (door prizes, meals, seminars, light maintenance work, show coaches etc), but it nearly always pays dividends for the dealer with increased coach and service sales. To me - it's a win-win.
Thanks Jay and Stella and all who helped you put this one one. Thanks to all the club members that came out to support this chapter! Heartlanders are the best!