Past California Central Chapter Leader
- Jackson Rancheria RV Resort
- 11407 Dalton Rd
- Jackson, CA 95642
- www.jacksoncasino.com
- Pets ok?: Yes
- Pet Fee: $
- WiFi available: Yes
- WiFi Fee: $
- From: 6/3/2011 to: 6/6/2011
- Number of sites held: 15
- Site fee: $30.00 with at least 10 rigs per night.
- Club Member Event fee: $ Per Person
- Potluck: Yes
- Potluck date: 6/6/2011
- Potluck time: to be determined
- Event Leader: TessaM(click to contact)
Reservation deadline is 4/25. If you still want to join us, you'll have to call the park to make your own reservations and pay regular price ($45.-$60. per night)
This will be our first 3 night "Camp-out" at Jackson Rancheria RV Resort and it will be more of a relaxing event unlike the structured rallies we've had the past 3 years here at this resort. You can enjoy the ammenties of the resort, swimming at their pool, relax in the spa, gambling at the Casino or lay out on your lounge chair and enjoy the beautiful surroundings of the resort. You can go site seeing around the Gold Country, take in a game of Golf, Antique shopping or whatever your heart desires. We can all do dinner out together one night and a potluck the other night.
This resort has become a favorite for many of us. I have only 15 sites reserved. For those who would like to stay additional nights, I have reserved all sites for 7 nights (June 1-7th, depature on the 8th). You can choose to stay an extra day or two (before or after the rally) or the entire 7 nights at the rally rate. If you would like to join us, please post or PM me and let me know how long you'd like to stay.
Reservation deadline is April 25th. I will be handling the reservations, PLEASE DO NOT call the park. Payment for your stay will be due by May 1st. Cancellations after May 1st will forfeit one night. There will be an additional $5.00 fee per non-member guest.
ATTENDEES as of April 27th
Art & Teresa (Chapter Leaders) - 7 nights (6/1-6/8)
John & Lori (Pacific Regional Directors) - 7 nights (6/1-6/8)
Kevin & Hennie(KevinandHennywhite) - 7 nights (6/1-6/8)
Floyd & Carol (Floyd Philbrook) - 7 nights (6/1-6/8)
Gary & Jan (castaway) - 4 nights (6/2-6/6)
Rick & Karron (New owners) - 4 nights (6/2-6/6)
Larry & Liz (larkinstuart) - 2 nights (6/3-6/5)
Dale & Judy (dbarnard) - 3 nights (6/1-6/4)
Ray & Gail (randgwarn) - 4 nights (6/2-6/6)
Butch & Stacy (GMC) - 4 nights (6/2-6/6)
Mike & Shelly (detailman) - 3 nights (6/2-6/5)
Jim & Kathy (crunch) - 4 nights (6/2-6/6)
**The map above is the directions to the Hotel/Casino. Do not take this route, the roads are very narrow.
NOTE: Online mapping programs and GPS do not yet include Dalton Road and will send you unnecessarily out of the way. Please use the following directions to anywhere at Jackson Rancheria, including the Casino, Hotel, and RV Park.
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