Hey everyone I just received an E-mail from Tyler Bowser the Representative for The Veteran Empowerment Organization.
March 23 2018
Heartland RV Owners Club Southeast Region
David and Julie Yocum
On behalf of Veterans Empowerment Organization of Georgia, Inc. (VEO) and the deserving veterans that we serve every day, I sincerely want to thank you and the Heartland RV Owners Club for the generous donation of $5050.00.
Your support of our Transitional Assessment Housing program will help to supplement the cost of 5 Veterans for 2 entire months including housing, case management, mental health services, and meals. Without generous sponsors like you we would not be able to provide unconditional support to our under served Veterans.
We are so grateful that the Heartland RV Owners Club chose VEO to be the recipient of this very generous and gracious gift. We are overwhelmed by the amount of care and effort that went into raising these funds. Additionally, it means even more when these donations were collected from a diverse group of individuals that do not even live in our community.
The VEO strongly believes that Veteran Homelessness can be solved with community involvement and not just governmental agencies. You are a shining example of the community tackling this challenge.
This letter also serves as receipt for tax purposes of your donation in the amount of $5050.00
Tyler J. Bowser Frantz Fortune
USAF Veteran VEO Founder and Director
Veteran Community Ambassador