EVENT: RV Show: PA, Hershey - 9/12/2012 to 9/16/2012

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Well-known member
Some friends of mine are there in Hershey. Check them out.

www.rvroof.comRV ROOF PROTECTION

Their roof coating is really catching on!

tell David or Jennifer I sent you by!

them Randy sent you by to take a look!


NE Reg Dir Retired
We want to wish a happy time to all that are attending the Hershey Show this year. John and I will be at the Timonium, Maryland show spreading the Heartland word so we will miss you this year.

Wilkin's RV has given some great support to both the Northeast Region and New York rallies this year so please be sure to extend a thank you on behalf of all of us.

Good luck to Heartland, Wilkins and the owners working the club table!


Well-known member
Hi Deb,

Wish you guys could make it but you got things to do on your end - well understood. Maybe next year if timing works out.

We had a nice pre-show volunteer dinner tonight. Light attendance but still great company.
- Dave and Nona Gruner
- Nancy and I
- Bob and Christine Fournelle
- Ken and Katy Adams

Kathy and I went through all the Landmarks and several Bighorns today. Then we went and saw some of the competition.

We got the EZ-Up shelter up and hope to have it in it's final placement in the morning. I picked up bottled water and snacks for the team. We're ready for the show!


Committed Member
For first time attendees, parking for the RV show is free. As you roll up to the parking attendant's shack just tell them "RV Show". Hershey Park/Chocolate World attendees pay for parking.

For those volunteering to work the Owner's Club table, you must enter the show via the Skywalk gate (pedestrian bridge). Look for the lines for VENDORS that start with the letter "H" (as in Heartland RVs). The attendant will pull the folder and have you sign for your badge. This badge will get you in the show each day you wish to attend. The table will be set up in the Wilkins RV area (AREA 521 on the map).

http://www.prvca.org/Portals/0/2012 mfg post draw copy.pdf


Committed Member
I'd like to take a moment to thank all the Volunteers who graciously signed up to "work" the Owner's Club table this year. Hope everyone had fun. Until next year.....


Past Heartland Ambassador
It was a great time! Met a lot of nice, new Heartland Owners, and lots of new potential owners...and that was just in the Landmark, Bighorn area. Can't wait to find out how many total units were actually sold...it was a fantastic show!
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