As for the 50amp Rv its more like a 30amp and a 20amp circuit.
Actually it is more like a 50 amp and a 50 amp.
So when I use the 30 to 50 amp adapter at the parks I lose the 2nd a/c function as the 50amp service only has one hot leg in it while using the adapter.
You need a new adapter.
I power my 50amp Rv from my garage. What I ended up doing was installing a 4 way outlet.
What is a 4 way outlet and how do you use that?
I, like many here also plug the RV in at home.
For the most part, the expense of running a 50 amp RV circuit is an unnecessary expense when 30 amp will suffice. Unless, you need to be able to run both AC's at home.
I already had a RV box that I installed from the travel trailer days when I brought the 5th wheel home.
All that was required to use that with the new trailer was new ends on the extension cord that I use, an old marine 30 amp cord that I saved.
The female 50 amp end gets the two hots jumped in the receptacle.®-PowerG...le-Female/dp/B002ECN0NQ/ref=pd_sim_sbs_auto_4
Prior to changing the trailer's service from the anaconda 50 amp cord to the electric reel, I just used the typical 50 > 30 adapter, which already has the the two hots jumped.
It may seem like I should have just wired a 50amp Rv outlet but I don't have any spare slots to add breakers in the breaker box. I did not want to sacrifice the 110 outlets for something I rarely use.
Although the 50 amp for most is overkill, you shouldn't have to sacrifice any "current" circuits.
Most service panels will accept "twin breakers", not referring to double poles which take two slots and are pinned together, rather two separate breakers that take up one slot. They have numerous names, twin, cheater, tandem etc.
I have one panel that the panel allows all but two twins and a sub panel that allows the bottom four to be swapped out to 4 twins, effectively doubling the the bottom four circuits to 8 circuits.
The label on the inside door has a wiring diagram and will show if "twins" are allowed.