Plastic fender trim is available on the open market, some of it may be proprietary, but they seem to run about 180 each. The people that sell them have a visual selector. I found several sites, some better than others. As far a BlowMax is concerned, Ditto on the "if you lost one the other three are not far behind", Some have lost the second on the very next trip, and even one person lost the other 3 on the same trip and got stranded down in Big Bend for a couple of days. I dont know the details of that story, and the DW might have filled the thing full of rocks, but with blowmax I would believe anything at this point. Get them off your rig. BTW my comprehensive was $0 deductible on my Blowmax damage. Unlike liability and collision, comprehensive claims are not likely to raise your rates (unless you have a lot of them) perhaps that will solve the plastic fender issue at no cost.