Fifth wheel tripod


Well-known member
I was wondering if those tripods you put under the king pin on a 5er help a lot with the stability. We have the auto level on our new 3160 and it rocks when you move. I have put blocks under the pads and that helped quite a lot but was wondering if the tripod would also help.

Thanks in advance.


Well-known member
We used the tripod for a year or so, and I think it helped, but it was so slight I finally got rid of it to save space and handling. What does stabilize a lot is placing two jack stands under the frame just forward of the front axle. Major difference. Wobble is gone.


Well-known member
We use a tripod and it generally helps. A lot depends, I think for any system you use, on what your sitting on. If on concrete pad the best......sand or dirt the worst.

Once we installed the washer/dryer combo we started using the tripod again. Had to have something to stabilize the nose of the unit.

I have also permanently installed 4 scissor jacks that have done the most good.