After having to wait over a month and then having to reschedule the pickup due to our son wanting into this world a couple weeks early I finally picked up our new TT Friday. I obviously can't wait to take it out and use it.
So I am an aircraft mechanic and I don't know if it's that or my OCD but I did a thorough inspection on it once I got it home. I found two finger loose bolts on the pull out bumper tray, 13 broken screw heads mostly on the skirt and a couple on the door trim, small scratches on interior trim/wood from installing appliances, paint or wood filler on the couch, a stain on the comforter, and some loose cabinet hinges. Honestly I am okay with most of it since they are easy fixes or only I will see it except the couch and the screw heads. Couch for obvious reasons. Screw heads cuz some of them are at the end of whatever they are holding on and they are popping up. And it's all sheet metal so they are sharp. Anyways, that's just me and my concerns but would I be asking too much for the dealership to replace the screws since it's obvious that it's from the factory like that?
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So I am an aircraft mechanic and I don't know if it's that or my OCD but I did a thorough inspection on it once I got it home. I found two finger loose bolts on the pull out bumper tray, 13 broken screw heads mostly on the skirt and a couple on the door trim, small scratches on interior trim/wood from installing appliances, paint or wood filler on the couch, a stain on the comforter, and some loose cabinet hinges. Honestly I am okay with most of it since they are easy fixes or only I will see it except the couch and the screw heads. Couch for obvious reasons. Screw heads cuz some of them are at the end of whatever they are holding on and they are popping up. And it's all sheet metal so they are sharp. Anyways, that's just me and my concerns but would I be asking too much for the dealership to replace the screws since it's obvious that it's from the factory like that?

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