FIXED: 3685 Bighorn battery is draining


We have a new 2012 Bighorn 3685 We had just put the batterie in the trailer to open our slides had on problem. Next day we went out to the trailer had no lights and the batterie was died. So we charged the batterie and everything worked great. Then went out again same problem.
So if we unhook the batterie and then hook it up again the batterie is fine. So we think there is something draining the batterie. Has anybody had this problem? And we did take our batterie in for the winter. Thank you for your help:confused:


Re: 3685 Bighorn batterie is draining

Hi Allie,

Welcome to the Heartland Owners Forum and family. We have a great bunch of people here with lots of information and all willing to share their knowledge when needed.

Evidently something is staying on, so I would hook up an amp meter between the battery and cable so you could see how much current is being pulled. There is always a small draw due to the Co2 and other detectors. If you should see a couple of amps on the meter or more if it is pulling the battery down overnight. Start pulling the 12v fuses one at a time and checking meter till you find which one is drawing the current and then you will have figure what on that circuit is staying on.

Also,,, maybe the first thing you should check is to make sure the emergency break away cable and plug is in place on the pin box. If this is pulled out, the brakes on the trailer are trying to apply all the time.

Hope this helps and I'm sure you will get more suggestions.

Let us know what you find.

Jim M


Re: 3685 Bighorn batterie is draining

Sorry, I also should have said that the trailer is pluged into 110v power and we have no 12v power. So we have something that is draining the battery. Thank you for your reply.



Staff member
Re: 3685 Bighorn batterie is draining

Allie, there is always some parasitic drain on the battery.
I have a couple of questions for you.
You said that you had the battery out and put it back in. Is it hooked up properly, + to + and - to -?
If it is correct now did you initially put it in backward?
Have you checked the voltage of the battery after charging? It should have around 12.75 volts after resting a while.
And have you checked the battery voltage when you are having problems?
These answers may help us diagnose your problem.



Well-known member
Re: 3685 Bighorn batterie is draining

I'm wondering if one of the wires you're attaching to your battery terminals is loose at the other end. That might explain why you're plugged in to shore power but the 12V stuff in the rig doesn't work.


Well-known member
Re: 3685 Bighorn batterie is draining

Sorry, I also should have said that the trailer is pluged into 110v power and we have no 12v power. So we have something that is draining the battery. Thank you for your reply.


If your plugged in and you have no 12v the converter is either unplugged or the fuses have blown.


Re: 3685 Bighorn batterie is draining

Yes we have checked all of the above, so its off to the dealership . But thank you ALL for you help.


Re: 3685 Bighorn batterie is draining

Please let us know what the problem was.

If you have 120v A/C, then I'm thinking the fuses are blown on the converter for some reason.

Jim M


Prolifically Gabby Member
Re: 3685 Bighorn batterie is draining

There are two things that have a constant drain on the battery. The first is the LP detector, usually mounted on the rear wall of the coach. It does not have a switch and is wired directly to the battery. The other is if you have a digital radio that always shows the time, even when not on shore power. We had one of those in our TT, as well as the LP detector. Only way to not drain the battery was to disconnect the battery cables. The furnace, refrigerator, and water heater will also draw 12V if left on. The refer may not cool if the propane is off, but it will try. Contrary to popular belief, it does not take long for those parasitic voltage draws to drain the battery below useable levels.

You can install a battery shut-off switch easily so that you can disconnect the battery from the rig without having to mess with the cables.


Active Member
Re: 3685 Bighorn battery is draining

Well we have a 2012 landmark and I have been taking the battery out when I store the rig for no more than 3 weeks at a time. After charge and rest battery shows 12.75 volts. bring rig home load it up turn frig on gas and away we go. 1 hour later get to campsite, lower front legs to unhook then press autolevel and it says low voltage on the screen. I wonder if the 6 way jack use that much battery power. If so no boondockin here without generator even for 1 night.


Well-known member
Re: 3685 Bighorn battery is draining

blkdodge, Have you put a wrench to the wiring connections in the area of the battery? A loose connect can cause the this problem. You may have a bad battery, just because it charges to yield 12.75 standing volts doesn't mean that the battery has reserve capacity. Suggest taking the battery to one of the mainline auto parts stores and have them do a load test to check the load capacity of the battery.
I have replaced my battery with a Marine gel type of battery so that I have more sustainable reserve capacity.


Re: 3685 Bighorn batterie is draining

We got our big horn back, and it was a lose wire and two blown fuse on the converter. So thank you ALL for your help.
