Ford 6.7 - Biodeisel/MPG


Well-known member
Filled my 2012 F350 w/ 5% Biodeisel for the first time 2 months ago. About 7500 miles on truck. Right away it seemed to sound different -smoother? hard to put a handle on it, but also seemed to get better MPG. Now after 2 months using that mix, at 10,500 miles, we're back on the road and running regular fuel. Seems to be different... is it my imagination?

P.S. I have always used the Ford deisel additive w/ every fill.


Founding VA Chap Ldr (Ret)
I can't imagine just 5% making that big a difference:). At 20%, you might could tell. However, I've never put bio in mine, so you may be on to something.


Bio diesel can add lubricity to ULS diesel fuel, that is good for the high pressure fuel pump. You can also do this by the use of fuel additives.

Bio diesel and hold a lot more moisture then ULS diesel fuel, that is very bad for the high pressure fuel pump.

I stay away from bio for that reason. There are issues with component failures and lack of warranty support by Ford.


Founders of SoCal Chapter
I ran 2 tanks through my 05 D/A while in the Dakota's. Like you, it seemed to run better, better fuel mileage. and exhaust smelled like popcorn. BTW, B5 is all you can buy in the Dakota's unless you run #1.


Well-known member
Bio diesel can add lubricity to ULS diesel fuel, that is good for the high pressure fuel pump. You can also do this by the use of fuel additives.

Bio diesel and hold a lot more moisture then ULS diesel fuel, that is very bad for the high pressure fuel pump.

I stay away from bio for that reason. There are issues with component failures and lack of warranty support by Ford.

Right on Duane...Ford may have put those B20 badges on the truck...but the very first question asked when these trucks stop running is "how much biodiesel have you ran through the truck"? BTDT...the first dealer was absolutely certain he was looking at biodiesel and water in the used Nestles bottled water container they supposedly drained my fuel in.



Camp Socializer
The only time I ran bio, I encountered a 50 mph sidewind for 200 miles. I don't think want to try it again!


Well-known member
I ran a couple tanks of bio last summer, while towing. Seemed to me I lost a little in the mpg department. It did not appear to provide the same energy the regular diesel did.

I no longer use it, if I can avoide it and I go out of my way to avoide it.


Well-known member
Fuel milage is a function of BTU's and engine design and other aspect like drag, speed and gravity. Bio diesel has less BTU's in B5-20 than in Diesel #2, so it is hard to imagine that Biodiesel can get better fuel milage. All mfg's have gone to great lengths to tweek thier engines for fuel economy/power with and without B5-20.