Well-known member
Now I have to figure out the large storage area, using the long sterilite tubs and some sort of shelving to store the water hoses and power cords, etc....
Thanks for the motivation
For the main storage area I took some lite weight metal shelving units cut the four corner supports to 18" in length then bolted the shelves in place, one on the bottom end of the supports and one on the top end of the supports. I made 2 of these they are about 16"x40" units I placed them in the basement storage in a "T" configuration one on the "off door side" running front to back then the other coming off of that at a "T" going towards the "door side" storage door. It has really worked well, it allows me to stack stuff but still be able to access some of the items on the bottom without having to move all the items on top. Hope my discreption has helped and it makes sense.