Fuel Discounts


Active Member
My parents have been using it for about a month now. They have seen a low of .72 cents and a high of .82 cents per gallon savings. They are on a multi-month westward adventure.


Active Member
Just got back home from Florida. After my fill ups on the way home I averaged 1.72 a gallon after my discount. Largest savings was .87 cents per gallon. Amazing to me. I just checked the app to see the cheapest diesel near me since I am home, 1.67 a gallon. Cheaper than gas.. lol
Used my new card 1st time on way home from Alabama 2 days ago.
I’m a believer, saved total of $64.92 on 4 fill ups.
The system works great.
Thanks Jim Pavlinik for talking me into this.
Takes bout 3 weeks to set up and receive your card in mail.
Well worth the time invested.



I have been using the program for about 6 months. As others have said, you can get some pretty substantial savings and being able to activate the pump without going inside is a huge perk as well.