I have a Pioneer RD190, just over a year old. A couple of times, in a hard rain, we've noticed water running across the floor. After the first time, I took it in to where I bought it and they had it for a couple of weeks and determined the leak was from a plumbing issue they found and repaired. This weekend, after another heavy rain, we see water from the same place. It appears to be coming from the box that houses the furnace. I noticed the flue, on the exterior wall has vents facing up, which would catch water and direct it into the furnace. I pointed this out, but it was dismissed. I'm curious if anyone else is having this issue. I may try a different style cover, if I can find one that will fit.
I've attempted to add an image just above, hopefully it will post. Sorry, new user.
I've attempted to add an image just above, hopefully it will post. Sorry, new user.