Furnace Flue


I have a Pioneer RD190, just over a year old. A couple of times, in a hard rain, we've noticed water running across the floor. After the first time, I took it in to where I bought it and they had it for a couple of weeks and determined the leak was from a plumbing issue they found and repaired. This weekend, after another heavy rain, we see water from the same place. It appears to be coming from the box that houses the furnace. I noticed the flue, on the exterior wall has vents facing up, which would catch water and direct it into the furnace. I pointed this out, but it was dismissed. I'm curious if anyone else is having this issue. I may try a different style cover, if I can find one that will fit.


I've attempted to add an image just above, hopefully it will post. Sorry, new user.


Hi jfc226,

Welcome to the Heartland Owners Forum and family. We have a great bunch of folks here with lots of information and all willing to share their knowledge when needed.

Hope fully some of our other members with the same unit will jump in with some info for you. There is now way to remove the door and reinstall it with the vents pointing down?

Let us know what you find. After another couple post on the forum your pictures will load also.

Also check out the Heartland Owners Club and join us at a rally where you will have fun and meet lots of great people.

Jim M


Well-known member
Hi jfc226,

I don't know why the vents would face up. All I've ever seen project straight out. But even so, water entering the vents would go into the combustion chamber. Furnaces are typically located below floor level; if that's how yours is, I'm not sure how water would flow uphill from the combustion chamber to the floor of your coach.

Is your furnace installed higher than floor level?


Hi jfc226,

I don't know why the vents would face up. All I've ever seen project straight out. But even so, water entering the vents would go into the combustion chamber. Furnaces are typically located below floor level; if that's how yours is, I'm not sure how water would flow uphill from the combustion chamber to the floor of your coach.

Is your furnace installed higher than floor level?

Yes. To clarify, this is a pull behind. Small camper. The furnace is installed on the floor and sits under the sofa. It's encased in a box that was built around it. It would make sense that the water would drain out of the chamber onto the floor and run under the box it sits in. I was just curious if anyone else experienced this as well.

I'm also curious as to why the louvers on the vent face up. Seems like a perfect way to catch water and funnel it inside. I'm going to see if I can find an aftermarket cover to solve this.