Heartland magazine ads (or lack thereof)
Magazine ads are staggeringly expensive and the advertiser may have to commit for several issues. I have a manufacturing company making aerospace products and 15 years ago there was no real way to get the word out except through technical journals. A full page, 4-color would run well over $12,000 for one issue and only slightly less for several. And magazines haven't change their prices much in spite of the internet. It doesn't cost much more than that to put up a first-class website. We entered the industry right as the internet was blooming and went with the internet exclusively. Today, except for a couple of trade shows, we have no other advertising except our website and we get more solid responses per month than I ever saw from a magazine.
I can't blame Heartland for avoiding printed ads. The ads might make us who have already purchased Heartland products feel more in the "main stream," but it sure gobbles margin and drives up price. On the other hand, Heartland is doing great with this Forum: It presents far more information than they could ever convey with an ad and it shows Heartland's genuine commitment to the interests of its customers.
I think most buyers of expensive consumer products today like RVs tend to follow a certain pattern: find the product on the lot, check it out on the internet, search out the manufacturer and look for the best retail deals on the internet, return to the best lot and deal. (The dealers pray for the impulse buyer.) I'm guessing this is Heartland's strategy. Good on them for following it.