Heartland Luncheon Reunion

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Legendary Member
To get this thread going again, I would like to get some more input from members that are interested in having another Luncheon in the Valley.

February 17th falls on a Wednesday and would work for us. We will be going to the valley on Feb. 8th and will leave on the 22nd. We have workcamping jobs in January and March near Houston.

Please let me know your thoughts on this date and we'll begin to make plans.


Legendary Member
I've been in contact with Jim B. and we are working on some exciting news about this luncheon. If you are planning to be in or near the Rio Grand Valley in February 2010, stay tuned!


Legendary Member
Thats great Nan, where will you be staying? We will likely be at Mission West for a couple of weeks.


Hi Jay,

We are going to do our best to come this year. We will leave Sweetheart Rally and probably come on down with Jim B. Where will Jim B be staying or do you know yet? And can we get in also?

Jim M


Well-known member
Hi Jay,

We are going to do our best to come this year. We will leave Sweetheart Rally and probably come on down with Jim B. Where will Jim B be staying or do you know yet? And can we get in also?

Jim M

Hi Jim,

I have not made any CG arrangements in the valley. I expect to have my RV at the "event", if we have one. Any days before or after - I will need a place to stay. If any are available, maybe rent a site at Retama again. Or stay further east.



Past Heartland Ambassador
We'll be there with bells on!!! Jay, let me know what I can do to help.

Jim, we'll see what we can do here in Retama for a spot, it will depend on when, but I'm pretty sure I can work something out...:)


Founding New Mexico Chapter Leader
Jim we also will be there let me know if you need any help. We are staying at Falcon State park until Apirl TRAVELER07

Tom of Ypsi

Well-known member
The way things are looking for us we will need to have doggie bags sent or brought to us. Judy is scheduled for surgery on Feb 4 and being that it is major surgery we are pretty sure we will not be in the valley until March at the earliest. If Judy is feeling good we may try and visit some of you in the valley this Jan for a couple of days.


Legendary Member
We will be heading back to Houston, well actually to Sealy, after the luncheon so I will see if I can get you a box lunch of some kind. Judy however will get a steak dinner with all the trimmings. She deserves it for putting up with you.


Well-known member
Reaching for my Trusty Heartland Calendar...

Pulling out a Fresh Crayon...

GASP !!!

Where oh where is the date for the Open House.....


Legendary Member
Ok Marv, you caught me....I left it off but caught it and inserted it. February 18th at Ron Hoover RV in Donna.


Well-known member
Thanks JayC !!!

We will spend Winter in Texas this year... and look forward to getting to see friends... besides who could pass up a chance to see a well stocked RV Dealer with a big display of Heartland RV's.

Thank JayC for keeping this thread going... Thanks to Ron Hoover Dealership... and Thank You Heartland !!


Feb. Lunch

WE are new members( 1455) in Mission for the winter workamping. Hoping to make the get together as our first Heartland event.


Well-known member
This thread is closed and a new thread for this now planned event in the RGV on Feb 18, 2010 may be found here at this link.

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