Heartland Trailrunner Spring Capacities


Well-known member
Before my PDI and taking possession of my trailer TR 25SLE, SN - 5SFEB2922CE246407, I took pictures of the under carriage axle and springs.

I was concerned about the GVWR of 6900 pounds for this trailer, springs/ axles. Therefore, I took my pictures and concerns to Central Spring Service in Thunder Bay and talked with the owner. He studied over the picture of the axles/ springs and then told me that only 4 spring leafs were installed at the end of each axle giving a spring rating capacity of only 2500 pounds per axle. The problem of course, is that each axle is rated for 3500 pounds - NOT 2500 pounds! Also, the GVWR was based on the two 3500 pound capacity axles. The spring capacity must match to the axle capacity to make the GVWR true and correct.

My dealer happened to show me an incorrect trailer, not once, but twice other than the one that I purchased. But I just happened to take pictures of those under carriages as well. I studied over the pictures and discovered that those Trail Runner trailers also only had 2500 spring capacities on 3500 pound axles! Therefore, this then becomes not a singular error problem, but a systematic error problem effecting all trailers put out for likely many trailers.

I looked in Woodalls Owner's Handbook, page 317, and the book happened to have a picture of a 3500 pound axle. Matching to that axle was SIX leaf springs installed and not four leaf springs. Which makes me believe the owner of Central Spring is correct.

My wife and I feel, that if this indeed is correct, then Heartland or the dealer should correct this mistake at their costs upgrading my springs from a 2500 pound capacity to the 3500 pound capacity matching with my axle's 3500 pound capacities. That being said, I did send all pictures and my concerns to my deal at RV World and am awaiting their response. Any responses to this item would be interesting to read.


Well-known member
Springs are rated by the thickness of the leafs as well as the number of leafs. You should research the manufacturer of the springs and axels to determine their capacity, not what you can see from a picture.


Well-known member
Hi DonnyB007,

I've moved the thread to the Axles, Suspension area.

I took my pictures and concerns to Central Spring Service in Thunder Bay and talked with the owner. He studied over the picture of the axles/ springs and then told me that only 4 spring leafs were installed at the end of each axle giving a spring rating capacity of only 2500 pounds per axle.

I don't know much about spring packs, but if you search on Google for 3500 pound trailer springs, 4-leaf and even 3-leaf spring packs come up. Here's one.

Maybe your buddy at Central Spring owes you a couple of beers for giving you an incomplete picture of 3500 pound springs.


Well-known member
Thanks a bunch! Well that guy sure got me excited for maybe nothing! Likely just trying to sell me springs then. Bummer!