Hello and Thank You! Let's talk 2016!


Ohio Chapter Leaders-retired
Thanks so much for all the warm welcomes to the Leadership position of the Ohio Chapter. They're greatly appreciated.

Thought you'd be interested, as I was, to see where all of our Ohio members are located.

Here's a map to give you some idea:

Screen Shot 2015-04-25 at 4.11.11 PM.jpg

For our first rally, we thought we'd try to be central and chose Cross Creek RV Resort. All the details of the Fall Rally are located here.

I'd really like your input on 2016 and what you'd support. I'm a big believer in getting things on the calendar so everyone knows. If we can stay with the same "weekend" every year, even better!

Should we stay centrally located? We're pretty heavy in the Dayton area, with NE Ohio second. Go there, or go where you don't live? Would you like to have a rally after Memorial Day in addition (or in place of?) before Labor Day?

I'm looking forward to hearing from and working with the members of the Ohio Chapter.


Past New Mexico Chapter Leader
Not getting much input here.....

In New Mexico very few go to the forums unless they have an issue. You most likely will need to look up email addresses through the roster and send them an email. That is my plan starting next month.


Well-known member
With the way my much better half's work schedule is we have to plan most all of our trips well in advance (so she can get her vacation, or days off request in) so the earlier in advance, the better for us. Thanks for taking this on Bob.


Ohio Chapter Leaders-retired
Sniper, Have this year's up and scheduled for August 28-30, which is the weekend before Labor Day.

Everything also posted here, on our Facebook page, and an email to HOC Ohio members.

I think next year, we'll land two weeks before Labor Day weekend.

Hope to see you and Sweet P!


Well-known member
We won't be able to make this years rally, but I think you have a great location for it. You are just about dead center of the State. If a date is made for next year soon enough we will "pin" it to the schedule. LOL Sweet P and I are on the facebook page as well.