Hensley TS3 Double Air Bag Hitch with the 5th Airborne Hitch Pin Box


X-Rookies Still Luving it
Ok gang,
I have the Mor/Ryde Pin Box, but also have a brand new Hensley Trailersaver 2 air bag
TS3 hitch, SAWEET! I definitely think that the Mor/Ryde Pin Box is OK, but not great. If I bought the 5th Airborne Pin Box, I would have air bags for both the hitch and the pin box. Is that conflict possible, and if so, how would you adjust the different air bags for the softest ride? My new hitch has a white line that indicates how much air to fill (approximately 50 lbs psi), but I am worried that the air bag in the 5th Airborne might conflict. Anyone out there that has air bags for these 2 different products have any ideas? Or is it overkill? The Mor/Ryde is just a bunch of white rubber rings, and I do want the smoothest ride due to a bad back, so I am cogitating over this conflict. Any thoughts?


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In my recent research I read that it is a no, no to use 2 componenView attachment 8662ts which both have air springs (aka air bags). Now don't ask me where I read this because I tried to find it for myself and couldn't. Here's what the sensor looks like for your TS3. When the magnet (which can be manually adjusted) is on the target your white line should be near your 50 PSI area. Except it does this automatically as you drive down the road etc. It seemed to work very well on my test drive. The cord in the pic is how it's powered, no wiring installs just plug it in and your good to go. Tom


X-Rookies Still Luving it
Tom, your pics were invalid. I spoke to Aaron at Hensley and he told me that since I already have the air compressor hooked to the TS3, it was overkill to get the automatic sensor, and just set the air bags at the white line when I hook up. The gauge in my cab adjusts the air bags on the run. Now if you want to be a good buddy and get the auto fill for me, I would never say no. LOL


X-Rookies Still Luving it
Tommy Two Tone,
My birthday is today, how did you know? LOL You mean I have to wait till Feb. 19th? UGH! Long time..............