We have a RM1350, 6 weeks ago we couldn't get the temp below 48. After having my mobile RV Tech take a look he decided it needed a new coil, he worked with Dometic and they sent out a new unit, installed it and the temp came back down to the usual 34 degrees. We had become used to. Well today it started out at 34 and now it's 47 degrees. The fans are operating and the doors are sealing properly. Yes we did learn our lesson on the door flap sticking in the not closed position shortly after we bought the unit. I still have 5 months warranty from Dometic so I'll have my tech back out. If it happens after the warranty runs out I'm going to put in a residential refer. Thanks for letting me vent. It took 18 months before we had any problems living in the coach full time. In one week we lost our primary AC and the fridge, both covered under warranty from Dometic.