HGTV-RV2009 touts Landmark Oakmont


SSG Stumpy-VA Terrorist
NOW, NOW boys, lets keep it clean. Having watched the show. It was kinda sad that some of the coaches they showed are no longer made. Bob:(

I was thinking the same thing during the show...well, the RV industry has been through this before...and look at it just prior to the latest crash. Give it 5 years and then watch all the new stuff come out!

Friend of mine was at that show...said that everywhere he looked were "SOLD" signs...said that while they were not giving them away...that there were "substantial" discounts being given.

Besides, any RV will, within 5 years or so, become an orphan. Planned obsolescence don't you know (thank God for the spell checker here!). Why provide parts when we can sell you an new one.

In Mexico, Senor...if we cannot beg, borrow, or steal it...we will make it for you in 20 minutes. Those guys can make almost any missing part, buddy Manuel can do it all.

Where do you think I got some of the parts for my Airstream:D