How big should our new RV be!?


Well-known member
what are your intentions for use? a week camping, a month camping or multiple months? how far are you looking to haul/go?
are you wanting to go to national parks? what's your traveling habits like gotta have everything with me or make do with minimal? what tow vehicle do you plan on using. There is not a right or wrong answer but your vision of what your seeking should point you in the direction to look and consider.
Agree with OAD. It depends, are you going to be staying in one place for weeks or months, or are you going to be moving frequently. How many in your party?
DW and I spend 4 to 5 months traveling during the summer (no need for bulky winter stuff, it matters) so we chose a 35 ft Bighorn. Plenty of room all the goodies we need and it's easy to travel, plus we can get in any park.
And yes there's lots of room for her crap err I mean craft materials 😉