How many times has this been asked? Sorry!


Active Member
New to the sight an RV. Want to carry a weapon when I travel just to protect us on the road. I don't have a conceal carry. Want to keep the weapon in the TT only. What are the rules? Different in every state? If while mobile and the weapon and ammo are seperate am I good to go?

Thanks for having me


Well-known member
If you check out the book Jim recommended, you will see that every state is a little different and that you would have a lot more latitude in most states if you had a concealed handgun license.


Texas-South Chapter Leaders-Retired
Not to steal this thread, for a full timer, what is or are the best states to get permits in that would allow carrying in all or most states?


Legendary Member
Check the states very carefully. Some states have a CHL that is recognized in several states.


Well-known member

With the proper class, UT and FL both issue to non-residents via mail. FL also requires a certificate of completion for the class. Both require finger prints. Often times, you can take a class that covers both states at the same time. The states that recognize the permit from FL and UT vary slightly.


There is a phone app called Legal Heat that you can get for you Droid or iPhone through the app store you might find helpful. I have it on mine. The NRA also gives you a state by state breakdown. There is a book you can get at most gun shows that's updated yearly called "Traveler's Guide to the Firearm Laws of the Fifty States". The US Conceal Carry site mentioned above has a ton of info. You can put in different permits/licenses you have and it will tell you which states you can carry in. Have the Utah and home state of IN which gets me most places I need to go. The Utah is cheaper than the FL. Some states like IL, CT, NY, NJ are probably not worth stopping in unless you leave it at home. IL though looks to be on the horizon of some changes for the better.


Well-known member
Illinois requires a FOID card, that's a firearm owners identification card. You have to transport the empty gun locked in a case in a different compartment seperate from the ammo. After Wisconsin passed the concealed carry law, from what I read they are no better, you still have to carry the gun and ammo. locked seperate but you have to notify LEOs that you are taking it to a shooting range or where ever. Like somebody said read the different state laws very carefully because some of them don't allow concealled carry in the sense that others do. Tom


Well-known member
Texas and Florida are probably the best. Both have reciprocity in the most states.

BUT, there are major differences from state to state. In Texas you can carry a concealed weapon without a CHL in your vehicle if you are travelling but it must be OUT of plain sight. In North Carolina, you are similarly permitted but you must have it IN plain sight! Just one example.


Oklahoma Chapter Leaders
Oklahoma has a wide range as well. They also offer a 10 year license and we can open carry. The only place that I have found that I can't carry that ive been to is Illinois and New York.


Well-known member
The OP was asking about carrying the firearm in his TT not carry permits. No permit is required to carry in your rig, even if one was nobody will know it is there if it is there.

Don't over think this and don't provide the government with more data on you and want you own.


Oklahoma Chapter Leaders
The OP was asking about carrying the firearm in his TT not carry permits. No permit is required to carry in your rig, even if one was nobody will know it is there if it is there.

Don't over think this and don't provide the government with more data on you and want you own.

yes that's because the original post was hijacked LOL!


Depending upon the state once you stop you'll need a permit and some places like NYC you can be arrested just for having it in your vehicle unloaded and locked in a case. So no the thread was not high jacked. Got to know each states laws and permits help a great deal.


Well-known member
The Supreme Court has ruled in both Heller and McDonald that the Second Amendment allows you to keep a weapon in your home without the need for a permit. An RV is considered your home or an extension of your home, so you may have a weapon inside. Even a tent in a campground is considered an extension of your home. When traveling, in most states, you need a permit to have a loaded weapon in your vehicle within the passenger compartment. If the weapon is unloaded and in a locked container, other than the glove compartment or center consul, you do not need a permit. Ammo must be in a separate container.