how to clean awning


has anyone ever heard of using tilex to clean the awning? a friend was asking if he should use it, i told him i use awning cleaner. after a little bit of google searching i have seen alot of other stuff but nothing on tilex.


Prolifically Gabby Member
That's a new one. But it's supposed to be good for cleaning vinyl shower curtains, so maybe it's OK for awnings. Personally, I just use soap and water, with a medium brush.


Doug S
I have heard any kind of bleach was no good for an awning because it makes the different fabric components separate.


Well-known member
At the Goshen Rally a few years ago, at Dometic awning seminar the speaker basically said that Dawn and hot water was as good to clean with as anything out there. And it does a good job, plus it cheaper than all that other stuff you can find.