Hurricane Sandy - Concerned about our Heartland Family in this region...


I am in Little Rock AR @ Willow Beach Corp of Engineers park and we just had a real hard rain storm all night. We have about 3" of water under our trailer but it has stopped and we don't expect any flooding. While having to be in the trailer all day I have been watching the news on the Hurrican Sandy and was wondering how many of our Heartland family is in harms way and I hope are able to leave the area before it gets bad.

Keep us informed as to how everyone fairing.. God Bless and watch over each and every one.



NE Reg Dir Retired
Hey Bob you can be glad you are not here now. The forecast is scary! We were evacuated from our home during Irene and expect to be forced to leave on Sunday. We will be packing the Bighorn tomorrow. We are going to the transportation yard, parking in the middle of a line of 32 school buses and hoping for the best. I couldn't think of a better wind blocker! If things get rough we'll move inside. Our school is the "pet friendly" evacuation center so I really don't want to go there.


Legendary Member
That's funny because the Police Dept. where I worked used school buses to block the glass front of the building during one of the hurricanes. They worked very well!


NE Reg Dir Retired
Duane are you on duty this weekend? Will your duty days involve the worst predicted times? Be safe and I'll stay in touch with Deb.


Original Owners Club Member
Living in Hurricane Zone (Texas Gulf coastal area) we have been through plenty of Hurricanes and my advise to everyone in an RV, Motor Home, Travel Trailer, Mobile Home is GET OUT and go to a place of safety. RV's have wheels and you can move them out of harm's way. Don't be a dead or injured victim. Remember if you need to be rescured because you stayed the emergency service personnel can not or will not rescue you during the height of the storm. Be Safe and use good sense and move to a place of safety.