Hyd cyl leaking possibly on slide


Well-known member
Not sure where the Hy section is cuz I didn't see it, so if this needs to be moved to it, please do so and let me know what section it's under.

So here's what I found. While devising some trailer patch to go over the Hyd cyl pistions to make the holes smaller in an attempt to aid in keeping lil critters out during the winter, I noticed that the cyl for the dinette/theater seat slide was all oily. Only thing I can figure is that either a line is a tad loose or a seal isn't 100% on it. That being said, what's the best course of action? Bought it in May '17 so just over 2 years old. Have no idea how long it's been like this and will hold off on covering it up for now.



Well-known member
We had a leaky cylinder on the kitchen/ entertainment centre slide on our ‘17 Landmark. Heartland sent us a replacement and we had it installed. The leak had soaked the insulation adjacent to the cylinder so I replaced the insulation as well. There will be a small amount of fluid on the piston since it is in fluid when it’s retracted. If you can get to the hydraulic lines you should check them periodically anyway for leaks and tightness, landing gear as well! Never did determine if the leak was from the head or the base where the line/lines connect!

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