We do not have a fifth wheel yet. We are in the planning stage of upcoming retirement and researching RVs. We first looked at DP motorhomes but decided that a fifth wheel offered more of what we want in living space. I'm retired and my wife will retire Oct 2015. It seems so far off right now but I'm sure it will go fast. We want to take our dog, Bailey, a toy poodle and leave the cold winters in Nebraska to go south and stay about 6 months, long enough to avoid tornado weather in the spring. Come back to NE to be close to family in summer and fall, take a few trips north, and take the grandkids on a trip. We haven't decided if we should sell our home but we hate to leave it empty that long. Thinking about full time for awhile and then part time but still not sure. After researching fifth wheels, we decided that a Heartland Landmark is what we want. Still looking at floor plans. We like the San Antonio, Savannah, Key Largo, and Grand Canyon. We need to go to a show or dealer in another state. We haven't found a Landmark Dealer in NE to check out the different floor plans. We joined this forum to view others opinions for when we finally buy, to meet new people, everyone sounds so friendly, and attend the rallies.. Thank you all for your opinions and comments, this has been so helpful!!