INTRODUCTION - Mississippi Chapter Leaders


Heartland Owners Club Manager
Staff member
Congratulations and thank you, Ricky and Rachel Lester (mountainlovers76) for volunteering to be the Chapter Leaders for the Mississippi Chapter in the Southeast Region of the Heartland Owners Club.

The Mississippi Chapter includes the entire state of Mississippi. Any Heartland Owners Club member may choose Mississippi as their Club Chapter if they feel it would be more convenient for them than their current Club Chapter.

Ricky and Rachel are taking over for retiring Chapter Leaders, Randy and Brenda Spitzkeit. Thank you, Randy and Brenda, for all you did for your Chapter and the Heartland Owners Club.

Everyone, please join me in welcoming, your new Mississippi Chapter Leaders, Ricky and Rachel!


Southeast Region Director-Retired
Thank you Ricky and Rachel for stepping up and taking the reins as Chapter Leaders. We know that you will do a great job, and it's fun too :eek:

Randy and Brenda - we can not say enough about what all you both have done for the Club and the Chapter. Thank you for all that you have done.


Well-known member
Congratulations Ricky and Rachel, y’all will be great Chapter Leaders, looking forward to attending a Mississippi Chapter Rally!


Well-known member
Thank you Randy and Brenda for all you did for your chapter!

Congratulations and welcome
Ricky and Rachel! So happy you guys stepped into this role. Thank you and wishing you all the best.


Well-known member
Congratulations Ricky and Rachel, we look forward to attending your rallys.

Thanks Randy and Brenda for all you all your efforts and we look forward to our next trip to Benchmark Coach & RV Park.

All the best,


retired Oklahoma Chapter Leaders
Congratulations and welcome to the fun of being the volunteer chapter leaders. It’s lots of fun and you will be good at it. From the Oklahoma chapter leaders Orville and Barbara Wright.

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Mississippi Chapter Leaders
Just want to thank everyone for welcoming us as the new Mississippi chapter leaders. All the past Mississippi chapter leaders have been great and it will be hard to fill their shoes. We have already started preparing for next year's rally and would like to encourage everyone to make plans to attend. Details on location and time will be forthcoming as they become available and are approved by those on up the leadership chain. Until then, safe travels and hope to see everyone down the road somewhere this summer.

Ricky & Rachel Lester