Did you replace the head on your crank up antenna or did you completely replace the whole antenna. With the whole antenna it has the indicator lights on it that will tell you if your antenna is pointing in the right direction. I have two brands of tv's and with my crank up antenna I got different channels. I found out it was the tuner in the tv's not the antenna. Some tv tuners are less sensitive than other brands. Our friends have the same brand crank up antenna that we had but different brand tv's and sitting side by side antenna's pointed in same direction he did not get the same number of channels that I did plus his picture was a lot worse than mine. So the antenna is only part of the equation. I was not happy with my cable service at my stick and built house and had the cable come out for the 5th time . I laid it on the line, fix it or take it out, the guy called me out side and showed me where when it was installed a 90 degree bend was put in the cable, thus breaking some of the insulation, thus poor reception. He replaced the whole cable all the way to the street, no more problems. So maybe a coax cable got bent some where along the way.