I know this subject comes up about jacking from the frame vs axle, owners manuel says frame, dexter manuel says frame, we took the Cyclone in for a new set of tires last week. They came out and looked at the suspension, and did the change via the axle right at the leaf's, the owner and I had a discussion and for them to jack it up by the frame he said they would but wanted a waiver signed for not responsible for frame or sidewall damage. He's been in business for several decades, changed tons of RV tires, here's what he said. He wanted to know if we've ever been in a campground with speed bumps (yep) asked if I knew how tall the speed bumps were (Nope) he said I do, the local campground speed bumps are 3 and 1/2 inches which take one axle at a time. We're going to raise your tire less than 1/2 inch off the ground, and IF that bends your axle I'd hate to see what campground speed bumps are doing to an axle, OR a 6 in curb you might catch or that 4 inch pot hole on a county road. In his words, springs are forgiving, frames and fiberglass sidewalls are not. He said if your going to raise an entire unit UP then frame without question, but for a tire change, go with the spring assembly. With that said, don't toss me to the wolves, I'm just relaying some info from a person that deals with suspension and tires, and alot of what he says made some very practical sense to me. and for what it's worth, the new Maxxis tires balanced and mounted the Cyclone pulls like a dream, never imagined different tires and balancing on the RV made such a difference.