Ladder Ideas?


Well-known member
We picked up our 300C yesterday. First thing we noticed is that compared to our 32' foot 05 Cougar, this is huge!!! Love It!!! When we bought it it did look a little smaller sitting in between two 44' Cyclones... A little heavier but towed great on the way home (about an hour away).

With that being said, I am 6' 3" and I have a little trouble reaching inside the top cupboards. The problem is my wife is 5' 3" on a good day. Even with the fold up stool we used in the Cougar, there is no way she could see in or reach anything inside the top shelves. Does anyone have any good suggestions for a collapsible step stool? She almost needs a 6' ladder.

Also, how is one supposed to safely get on the top bed in the garage? I assumed there was going to be a ladder.


Well-known member
I'm not sure which fold up stool you had before but the three step fold up from Costco works great for my wife who is 5'3". It is also just right for the bunks in the garage.


Well-known member
I am 5'3" and my hubby is 6'5." I har a small collapsible stool that I use. If I really need up high I yell "HELP!" ;-P the hubby is used to it since he likes to store things above my sight line.


Well-known member
My wife bought the three step ladder from Costco. Thanks for the suggestions. It will work for most cupboards and I will grab what she can't.