Landing Gear Leg Removal - 2010 BH 3410RE


Well-known member
Does anyone out there know how to remove the landing gear legs on a 2010 BH model 3410RE. The landing gear (LG) legs are mounted external to the frame, i.e., between the front compartment enclosure and the exterior wall of the trailer. After removing the leg from its clamps (2) there is very little room to tilt the leg front to back or side to side to get it out from under the trailer. My first thought was to borrow my friends backhoe and dig a hole, but that will not suffice if I am on the road and need to make repairs. This may sound like a laughing matter or a Halloween joke, but I can assure you I need some advice from someone that has 'been there and done that.' I would like to remove the legs and do some inspection and lubrication prior to going to Florida next month. Thanks in advance for any and all suggestions.


Committed Member
If yours are like mine, then after loosening the clamps you have to lift up as there are tabs on the frame that the leg slides down onto.

Ray LeTourneau

Senior Member - Past Moderator
Jim, if you raise the rig as far as possible and shore up the frame, you can retract the legs all the way and then remove the inner leg extensions. You should then have room to remove the main body of the leg. There is a thread here on removal. I think by Cassiel. You should be able to search for it. If I can find it, I'll get back to you.


Senior Member
Mine were the 2009 model and internal to the frame. Was able to swing them inside the front compartment.
Sorry about your installation, they had a good thing going and now its harder to maintain these legs. I am sure you could dig a hole or raise the back of your truck.
An other job for the dealers as they have fork lifts that can raise the front of the trailer much higher then the truck ever will. But removing the inner legs is theway to go, once they are out you might be able to swing them around but I can imagine a hard time to make them fit. An other probability is just drop them down only and maintain them from the top.
I worked mine from the bench because I was doing a complete investigatin of the problem and most of the repairs got done at the top as the gears were moving out of alignment.


Senior Member
here is my Post


If you search under my Posts, you will find where I removed mine and installed a dual motor system. Removing the leg was easy by removing the bolts, removeing the support pads underneath, removing hydraulic fittings, and lifting up into the front compartment.


Well-known member
As Ray suggested, I jacked the front of the trailer up very high with two large floor jack and cribbing. Back of trailer is almost touching the ground. Was able to remove the Door Side (D/S) leg without any problem. The O/D/S is going to be another story because the leg is exterior of the frame in a very small cavity, i.e., lots of stuff around this leg. The sheet metal box for LP gas cyliners is up against the upper clamp and carriage bolt. Guess I will have to cut a hole in the box.
Thanks to all that provided your timely input. I didn't have to dig a hole after all. BTW - no room to install the dual motor system. Hopefully the new aluminum gear box and good lubrication throughout will solve the problem.


Senior Member
Check the free play of the screw gear, if it moves sideways the pinion will tend to climb on it, so a clamp can anchor it. I see some SOB's have the trailer to leg clamp in line with this center plate so they will not have the same wear. Due to the lower frame the clamp is not in line with the center plate on our Heartlands heavier units. .