Leaving Fridge & LP on While Moving


Active Member
Probably a stupid question, but is it safe (or even a good idea) to leave the fridge on and LP open while moving so the fridge stays cold?

I think I'd rather put cold food in a cooler while moving, but then it takes so long for the fridge to get cold...

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Well-known member
Well, just about everybody does and most of us are still around ��

I suspect moving food to a cooler would make me want to stop traveling. I must have 60000 miles driving around with the fridge on gas. I am a pretty careful guy, and I'm going to say that it's fine...ultimately though it is your call!


Well-known member
While it isn't recommended, a lot of people do it, including myself. If you go to one of Mac The Fire Guy's seminars, he's got some horror stories he can tell you.

Bottom line if you do, you are taking a chance, but we've done it for about 6 years with no issues, some people have done it a lot longer with no issues. Your food stays cold, and you don't have to hassle with an empty ice chest when you get to your destination.

If you decide to leave the propane on & run your fridge, if you pull into a gas station to refuel, or for any reason, before you enter, stop & turn the propane off & leave it off while there. When you are done & leave, you can stop & turn the propane back on. Then go inside & make sure the fridge is working again.


Well-known member
I leave the fridge on propane when travelling. I try NOT to refuel with the trailer hitched to the truck. It is too much trailer maneuvering hassle to begin with. A tank of fuel will last me a continuous 8 hour driving day towing the trailer. I refuel while unhitched for the night.

I also have a $270 self-deploying Halon fire extinguisher attached in the outside refrigerator compartment.


Moved on to the next thing...
We run with our fridge on LP as well.

Always turn it off when refueling the truck, and it has been advised to turn it off when climbing and coming down long mountain passes.

Also, to help save your fridge, don't travel with heavy things in the door . . . put the heavy stuff on the selves.