I just purchased a 2015 landmark newport and was wanting some general feedback from anyone else that owns one. Likes, dislikes, problems etc.........
It's too bad that it does not come with remote entry locking/unlocking for door. My 2011/12 landmark key largo has it and I find it very convenient to unlock the door from the truck for mama. I do hope that one key fits all locks on my new Newport that I just ordered.
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I was able to access the HDMI port without removing the mirror. I looked behind the mirror using a flashlight to see where things were, then ran my cable through and just felt around with my hand and plugged it right in. I believe there are 4 screws to remove the mirror but I didn't want to remove it unless I had to
Ok, just got a call from dealer, my new New Port is in QC. Question one: Is the refrig a side by side with water and ice in door or the French door with bottom freezer? I have read before that Heartland changed because of inverter. Question Two: is the mor-Ryder IS installed at factory, or is it transported to Mor-Ryde for "reconditioning"?
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Should be the side by side refer with water and ice in the door, from what I understand. As for Mor/ryde, you'll need to contact your dealer about that as we don't offer it from the factory at this time.
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That's what I thought, I'll contact the dealer, make sure he knows. Thanks
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