Low clearance


Founding Wisconsin Chapter Leader-Retired
Open floor plan with solar lighting and heating. Some one needs to pay closer attention to details.


Active Member
That is so funny. We have a low clearance railroad bridge here in town where I live (11'6"), it snags about a truck per week. Funny thing is there are a million signs leading up to it and huge flashing lights, people can't read or see apparently. Scary that people like that have CDL's!


Well-known member
Man oh Man, how fast was this idiot going? You just don't do something like that at 5 mph.


Well-known member
Hmmm.... :eek: :eek: large yellow & black diagonals, blind person could see that coming, obvious low clearance, high speed strike, totaled-out rig. Something smells!! Perhaps a new Heartland product on the horizon???:angel: