M22 Brakes

I've put around a 1,000 miles on my 2010 M22 now. Over the last few trips, I've found it necessary to keep reducing the maximum voltage on my brake controller. It seems as if the brakes are exerting more stopping force with less voltage applied.

I have a Tekonsha Prodigy P3 controller. I've had to redo the calibration for maximum voltage three times now because of the change.

Today in a faster than normal (but not emergency braking) situation the trailer locked up at only 2.7V. I believe I had it set to 6.0V maximum at the time but have since adjusted it down to 5.5.

This is the first time I've ever had a trailer with electric brakes. Is this increase in braking performance to be expected as they wear in? When can I expect it to level out?


Original Owners Club Member
You may want to check them to be safe but sometimes it takes a few stops for the brakes to 'wear in'. However, it could be possible you have debris in the linings. Or you could have a defective controller.

Terry H

Past Texas North Chapter Leader/Moderator
Staff member
Also the brake controller maybe wired into the tow vehicle incorrectly.
A good idea, but boost is set to off. Also, the wiring uses the harness specific for GM so there wasn't any splicing and dicing? Anyone out there with a similar controller and unit what max voltage do you run?


Active Member
I have the same controller and same trailer and used a max of 4.0 last season on boost level 1, and this season the same max, but have it on boost 2. I'm sure the brakes need to be adjusted, I have over 5000KM on it.